Gallery Queen’s visit to Aden in 1954 Aden Airways Job Advertisement The White House Fancy Dress at the Cricket Club, Aden Christmas Greetings from the White House, Aden Patio, The White House Isthmus School, Exercise Book Isthmus School, Aden The Main Pass The Queen’s visit in 1954 (shared by Ann Atkinson) Ann’s sister Mary presents the Queen with a bouquet The Queen and model of new hospital The Queen and ‘little Ben’ The Maternity Unit – Crater Sisters Mess, Prenjee House, Crater. Sept 1952 The Clinic The Clinic Some of the Ayah’s Nurse Parira and Mary Aerial Photos of Crater & Sheikh Othman Landscape Photos of Aden Fruit and Nut Vendors Aerial Shot of Aden Port Said, The Suez Canal The Main Pass, Aden The Main Pass, Aden Windmills at the Salt Works – Aden Maalla, Aden – photographed by Mr A Abassi Maalla Aden – photographed by Mr A Abessi Road from Maalla Village to Khormaksar and Sheikh Othman, Aden Sheikh Othman Village Sheikh Othman Village – native women Sheikh Othman Village, Aden Signal Station and Playing Fields, Steamer Point General View, Steamer Point, Aden The Crescent Shopping Center, Steamer Point Steamer Point and the Suez Canal Steamer Point, Aden Steamer Point, Aden Steamer Point, Aden View of the Aldroos Mosque, The Crater, Aden Esplanade Road, Crater, Aden The Main Road to The Crater